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Google E-A-T: Why It Is Important For SEO


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Google E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. This is a concept that is heavily discussed in Google’s Search Quality Rater Guidelines. Google published and uses this to evaluate the overall quality of a website. Though E-A-T is not the only ranking factor, demonstrating a good E-A-T on your website can definitely help improve Google rankings. In this article, we will explain how E-A-T is important to improve your rankings and generate more traffic for better SEO. 

What Exactly Is E-A-T?

As mentioned, E-A-T is used as a guideline for Google to evaluate whether the website and content are highly valuable for readers. You can throw every SEO marketing tool in the book at your website, but essentially, E-A-T is important to indicate whether a webpage is of high quality and rank it accordingly. In fact, quality raters keep E-A-T in mind when they are evaluating how good a webpage is in providing its content. 

Google search quality evaluators will focus on:

  • The expertise of the content creator. These experts should display expertise in the topics they’re writing about. Any misinformation or unsubstantiated claims will result in scoring low in content quality. 
  • The authoritativeness of the content overall, the creator of the content, and the content itself. This means that users look at your organisation or brand as a leader in your respective industry. 
  • The trustworthiness of the content overall, the creator of the content, and the content itself. It is about how legitimate, transparent, and accurate the content is on your webpage. With these elements, people are able to trust you to provide honest and accurate information on your webpage. 

How to improve E-A-T? 

Build more authoritative links

Increasing mentions and links through strategic link building can improve the overall E-A-T scores. This is in relation to how expert-driven your content is and how authoritative your links are in your content. In a nutshell, having high-quality content with trusted links from authoritative sources serves as the foundation of E-A-T. 

Make the purpose of your content straightforward

Websites lacking a clear purpose naturally receive poor scores for the E-A-T thus impact on search performance. Hence, implementing titles and headings is helpful to make the purpose of your content known. Make sure to avoid generating long paragraphs and just get straight to the point as much as possible. 

Update content regularly

Just as the tools on webpages and algorithms on Google get updated regularly, it is crucial to update your content on a regular basis. This also helps with how trustworthy and credible your webpage is. Thus, making sure to update any statistics, check for dead links, and keep the content updated are beneficial to rank higher on Google. 

Get more reviews for your business

Quality raters from Google will use online reviews to evaluate how trustworthy and reliable the content you posted is. Different industries may have different review sites. For example, TripAdvisor and Zomato are two popular websites for ratings and reviews. However, it is important to update content and aim for positive reviews across all review websites. This is beneficial to getting your website to be ranked highly on the review sites thus improving the overall E-A-T.

Get more mentions on other websites

Getting mentioned on other websites can help improve your website’s overall reputation. This is because users trust websites that receive many mentions. For instance, getting mentioned in SEO Melbourne shows expertise in that domain. Thus, it is crucial to update your content regularly with new data and information on a certain topic as it would help you get more mentions. 

Key takeaways 

To sum up, it is definitely advantageous for you to implement Google E-A-T into your SEO strategy. There is a lot more that goes into improving E-A-T for your websites. Hence, it is crucial to stay up-to-date with Google’s E-A-T guidelines as the rules would change constantly. If you need help on how to incorporate E-A-T into your company’s SEO strategy or any other aspects of SEO, contact us at SEO Company Melbourne to understand how we can help your business. 

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