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Does SEO Content Written by ChatGPT Make Google Blacklist Your Site?


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The advent of assistant tech and automated learning models, the likes of large language models and their partnered natural language processing, has captured the mood of businesses across almost all industries, as the form of the modern workplace waxes and wanes in accommodation with these new technologies.

OpenAI’s seminal ChatGPT has quickly turned heads at the possibility of anatomising a fundamental part of human work – automating creative processes. The quick adaptation of the tool into society has begged the question – is it viable to use in the professional setting, particularly when we think about content going hand-in-hand with SEO? SEO Company Melbourne explores more on the topic!

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, and its sibling model InstructGPT, are artificial intelligence-powered tools. They perform natural language tasks according to user instructions. These written instructions or “prompt” can be anything. For example, “Explain the moon landing to a 6 year old in a few sentences”. Another example of ChatGPT prompt is “Write about the differences between B2B and B2C marketing”.


Can ChatGPT Write SEO Content?

Zhuravleva (2022) did an experiment with ChatGPT to create a three paragraph article about B2C email marketing. This experiment shows that the resulting work is only publishable after extensive editing.    

ChatGPT written SEO article blacklisted by Google - explore with SEO company Melbourne

A Hemingway Analysis on An Article Written by AI (Zhuravleva, 2022)

Zhuravleva reviewed ChatGPT’s long-form content as below standard for several criteria, including uniqueness and coherence. “A set of buzzwords with no substance behind it” is what she concluded of the AI’s work. This insight echoes Janelle Shane’s sentiment that AI works are often vaguely correct yet utterly wrong.

Considering how Google ranking results work, an AI written content does not seem to meet the five key factors which Google uses to determine its page rank. Moreover, ChatGPT’s content will not be informative or entertaining enough for any human reader’s needs. Even so, ChatGPT is not entirely irrelevant to SEO content writing.  


How to Use ChatGPT to Aid Your SEO Content Writing Process 

Ideation is an important part of content writing, and ChatGPT can assist a human writer by providing potential ideas. For example, if you are new to Social SEO, but you are asked to write about social search keywords; you can prompt ChatGPT to generate a list of the differences between social search keywords and search engine keywords. 

Perhaps only some parts of the list are usable. But now you have a general idea of this previously unfamiliar topic. Hence, you have a clearer vision of further research you may want to conduct and the information you need to cover in your article. 

In addition to easing the start of your writing process, ChatGPT can be used to prompt your brain to start a brainstorming process. For instance, you can ask ChatGPT to create a list of social search keywords. The output may have more terrible suggestions than the brilliant ones, but it can be what your brain needs to start brainstorming better results.  


Is Using ChatGPT Content Bad for My Website’s SEO? 

ChatGPT and other AI tools do not create original content. They scrape pieces of content from the data they are trained with and reword or re-assembles them to something resembling a new, unique content. This collides with the scraped content part of Google’s spam policies. As a consequence, your AI generated content may be marked as spam by Google, and your website may receive a penalty. 


Does Google Perceive AI Generated Content As Spam? 

Further proof that Google perceives AI generated content as spam is shown in Neil Patel’s experiment with AI generated SEO content. After the Google 2022 October Spam Update, a huge drop in SEO traffic and SERP rankings happened especially to content which are entirely written by artificial intelligence, without additional editing or modification by a human writer. 

ChatGPT's Influence On Google Traffic - SEO Company Melbourne statistics

SEO Ranking and Traffic Change for AI-Generated Content After 2022 Google Spam & Broad Core Update (Patel, 2022)


The Verdict

Considering the quality of content written by AI, which is deemed subpar by both human readers and search engine bots, investing in reliable and professional SEO writers seems to be the logical, more profitable decision. 

If you are looking for an SEO Company Melbourne to do your website’s copywriting, design, and social media management, reach out to our representative here

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