SEO Melbourne started our SEO services in April 2017 and we continue to work with Proas today. We work very closely with Proas’s management to continue to provide value and growth. This is one of the many examples of long SEO business relationships we create and want. We have increased Proas’s organic traffic by 567% since inception.
This is common for our SEO campaigns when we are trusted to do our job and the client is efficient with implementation. We have been pivotal in the creation of SEO strategic content and our SEO copywriting services paved the way for such an increase in organic web traffic. We, like with all our clients focused on creating a better website for users and thus the respect and credibility followed in Google’s eyes. Part of earning more respect is opening your business to a transparent and ethical content strategy. We display in a strategic manner the services offered by Proas and are thus diversifying our content in a credible way.
When we have such a positive effect on our clients SEO as displayed below it tends to roll into other forms of traffic we are not chiefly responsible for. An example of which is referral and direct traffic, this has increased in line with our organic traffic and from consulting with the client is a result of our SEO campaign.