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Digital Marketing Events in Melbourne – Key Events in the City for 2024


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As a digital marketer, it is of great importance to have your finger on the pulse of all the new SEO marketing trends and technologies. Attending digital marketing events in Melbourne, and online, is a great way to network, tell others about your business and to gain knowledge on how to utilise digital and SEO marketing to better your business. Check out the digital marketing events Melbourne below, and deepen your knowledge and skills!  

Monthly Events: 

Melbourne SEO Meetup

SEO Collective, a Melbourne SEO Meetup | SEO Company Melbourne

What is it?

A great way to network and socialise with other SEO marketers, as well as learn about interesting SEO and marketing topics, the monthly Melbourne SEO Meetup is a relaxed and informal session with guest speakers. Participants are encouraged to ask the tough questions about SEO marketing and other topics, as well as participate in discussions about possible positives, implications or complications on a particular method or technique you’re thinking of using. 

Where does it take place?

Level 2, 287 Collins Street Melbourne CBD.

How can you attend?

It is a free event but must create an account and request an invite to join. 


Digital Marketers Australia Conference – Melbourne

Thursday 9th of May, 2024

Digital Marketers Australia Conference | SEO Company Melbourne

What is it?

Focusing on the skills and platforms that characterise the modern day of user habits and engagement, the Digital Marketers Australia Conference looks toward bringing its attendees up to contemporary speed on the channels used to communicate today between brands and their audiences. Covering topics from SEO, PPC advertising on frontier platforms like TikTok and Facebook, User Generated Content as it exists in an age of continuous production and consumption – fields, in other words, that characterise the zeitgeist of current social movements and conventions – the conference highlights content in all its marketing forms.

Where does it take place?

Typically, their events will run from

  • 9am-5:00pm
  • at the Amora Hotel Riverwalk Melbourne, 649 Bridge Road, Richmond, VIC 3121.

How can you attend?

Tickets are $739.33 for the year’s event, which can be purchased on the EventBrite page.


APAC Forums Digital Marketing Events – TBA

APAC Forum's Digital Marketing Events - SEO Agency Melbourne

What is it?

One of the most popular hub for digital marketing events in Melbourne, this arena of events focuses on practices and fundamental skills that look toward future-proofing your marketing horizontals, from industries of business tech, Internet of Things (IoT), and of course digital marketing. Targeting factors in lead generation that hones in on what you can do to resonate the most with your best prospects, social media and content marketing as an understanding of what users consume, marketing automation and more.

Where do its events take place?

As a business founded toward networking creatives, business owners and entrepreneurs together to foster shared growth, innovation in business and the tools used to get there, the APAC Forums events take place around a variety of venues around Melbourne’s inner suburbs and city centres. Previous events have been held at Cliftons Conference, Karstens Convention Centre and more.

How can you attend?

Stay up to date with their Digital Marketing Events page, where the latest additions to upcoming events are prioritised.


Marketing Leaders Summit

23-24th October, 2024

Marketing Leaders Summit - SEO Agency Melbourne Explores Marketing Events in the City

What is it?

One of the biggest event for the B2C Marketing Community in Australia, MLS holds 35+ Industry Speakers, 12 Keynotes and a wealth of great Networking Opportunities. Fundamentally, the event comes from a perspective of change – what evolutions in the way users operate need to prompt an update in your omnichannel engine? 

Where does it take place?

The Pullman Melbourne, Albert Park establishes as the venue for the year’s event, located on:

  • 65 Queens Road, Melbourne, Albert Park 3004

How can you attend?

Early Bird Tickets starting at $1,995 at their website here.


B2B Marketing Leaders Forum Melbourne

24th of October, 2024

B2B Marketing Leaders Forum - SEO Company Melbourne

What is it?

With over 300+ B2B Marketing Leaders attending the event from brands such as ANZ, Adobe and AON, this is an event full of learning and networking opportunities for professionals in this field. Plus, this conference will have multiple topics covered to help you level up as a B2B marketer – such as Revenue Marketing and Account-Based Marketing.

Where does it take place?

This event takes place at Crown Melbourne – 8 Whiteman St, Southbank VIC 3006

How can you attend?

Tickets range from $1,795 to $1,995 per person, which can be purchased on their website here.


Digital Marketing Events in Melbourne

Opportunities to bring your vision to the world have revitalised post-Covid, and it’s exciting to see in-person events starting up again. Fundamentally, the capacity to communicate with your audience is an ever-evolving dynamic – and there are always events, conferences or workshops to help you re-tool yourself for a digital landscape with new tools and behaviour at play. If you’re interested in boosting your brand or business’ SEO rankings, contact us at SEO Company Melbourne to understand how we can help your business! 

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