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How Your Long-Form Content Thrives through Google Passage Indexing Algorithm


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Google announced a new algorithm system that will revolutionise the way long-form content is received in searches. The Passage Indexing Algorithm is designed to get the most out of long-form content by changing the way sections are shown by the Google Search Results. 

Traditionally, the Google search results would only assess the content and relevance of a webpage to a query by only taking into consideration the keywords of the title. It would not take into consideration different sections of the content piece and the varied ways they can connect to a search query. Long-form content that had numerous subsections with various topics would not get the relevant query hits. The system simply could not recognise and differentiate the different information in one blog post or other long-form content pieces. This has had a detrimental impact on companies who need to showcase their products or ideas through longer content pieces.

For example, companies that rely on content that provides information to integrate their product or service struggled with gaining the right amount of traction for their pieces. Informational content like blog posts have struggled with being noticed for the individual sub topics being discussed. 

Passage Indexing Algorithm to help long-form content

Google recognised this flaw in the system and released the Passage Indexing Algorithm. This new algorithm uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) to segment content based on the meaning behind each passage. It connects each passage of long-form content by the meaning behind each section instead of just keywords, and indexes these sections in search results. This means that if someone is searching for something specific that isn’t necessarily related to the title of the content piece, the piece will still be suggested to them if there is a relevant section that answers their query. 

This is a game-changer for long-form content pieces. Google understands that content pieces can contain various topics and information and has tried to accommodate that and make sure consumers are getting more accurate and relevant results for their search queries by using Google Passage Indexing. 

For example, a website that sells kitchen equipment might make a content piece that goes through different easy recipes for breakfast. Each recipe is different and will have its own section. In the previous algorithm, this content piece will only come up in search results if the query was related to breakfast in general. With the new passage indexing algorithm, this content piece will come up for anyone who searches for each of those recipes along with breakfast recipes in general. It will also come up for anyone who wants cooking advice. Due to this change in the algorithm, long-form content like this will benefit businesses in being able to diversify their content style while still getting returns through reach and engagement. 

Iphone showing Google SEO  Company Melbourne  Passage

How can you make sure your long-form content thrives under this new change? 

  1. Make sure to use clear subsections. This makes it easier for Google to section out your content and differentiate the passages 
    • For example: if the content piece was a review on several different books and your product was to do with selling accessories. Make sure you have a clear headline for each book. In the reviews for each of the books selected segment the different sections of the books – e.g plot summary, positives, negatives, interesting aspects. This way if someone is searching for a specific information point of that book, Google will be able to showcase your content piece to them by showing the indexed result for that specific book review section.
  1. Make sure every passage you write has a meaning behind it. Potentially create a list of questions that this passage would be relevant to and will clearly connect to. Aim to have at least 3 relevant queries and ideas attached to the passage to increase recognition by the Indexing System in showing your content as a search result 
    • For example: if the content piece was to do an informational piece on an app and its various sections. Make sure you describe each section by clearly defining how that will be useful for the consumer. Instead of just putting in keywords. This helps the Indexing NLP system accurately tag your passage and show it to relevant queries.

Google is constantly making changes to help content reach the target audience in an accurate and seamless manner. Being aware of the changes to these algorithms to Google’s Search, the content being created has a higher chance of being noticed and reached by the appropriate consumer. This is just one way you can make your content stand out and get the reach it deserves. To read more about the specifics behind Google Passage Indexing you can check out here:

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