Which Keywords Should I Use For My Digital Marketing Campaign?


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Which Keywords Should I Use For My Marketing Campaign? Keyword Research


When choosing keywords for either a pay per click or search engine optimisation campaign, it is imperative that you first understand general keywords can often be a tremendous setback. General keywords can cause businesses to lose a significant amount of advertising spend. This spend could have been put to better use if the proper keyword research had been done prior to campaign execution.


What are General keywords?

For example if you owned a shoe store in Melbourne, you may be tempted to choose a keyword such as shoes or buy shoes to spend your PPC advertising budget on. This would be a mistake.

If you only sell sports shoes and you target shoes, you’re spending money on the wrong people. These consumers are looking for various types of shoes, not just the one’s you sell.

Additionally, you have to think about competition. There will be far more people who target a keyword such as ‘shoe’ than a keyword such as buy sports shoes Melbourne.

This is why keyword analysis is very important to a campaign and should be done thoroughly before spending any money on search marketing.

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